How Global Demand for Fish and Seafood is Changing Retail

June 7, 2024

The global demand for fish and seafood is skyrocketing, with projected doubling by 2050. As we face this increasing demand, how are we going to manage fish stocks sustainably?

In the UK alone, we consume £5.7 billion worth of fish and seafood annually, sourced from over 85 countries. Shockingly, nearly one-third of monitored global fish stocks are overfished, and more than 60% are fished to the maximum sustainable yield, according to the WWF.  


With the global consumption of fish estimated to reach 180 million tonnes by 2030, we must find solutions to preserve our ocean's finite resources. Discover how innovation is shaping the future of aquaculture in our latest blog and learn about the groundbreaking technologies and practices that are revolutionizing fish farming and enabling us to produce seafood sustainably.  


Active Ingredients in Foods for Aging and Beauty

Active Ingredients in Foods for Aging and Beauty

Journey Foods prioritizes ingredient tracking and tagging innovation. We track and tagging ingredients from sourcing to production for easier formulation. This careful process ensures Journey Foods' products deliver health and beauty benefits, driving functional food innovation and consumer satisfaction.
July 18, 2024
5 min read
The Renewed Tradition and Inclusion of Jerk in Packaged Food

The Renewed Tradition and Inclusion of Jerk in Packaged Food

Jerk cooking, rooted in Jamaican culture, features a distinctive blend of spices like allspice and Scotch bonnet peppers, traditionally used to preserve and flavor meats. Its popularity has led to a variety of packaged jerk products, making these bold flavors accessible globally. Journey Foods harnesses advanced technology to offer nutritious and sustainable jerk-flavored products, bridging cultural heritage with modern convenience.
Riana Lynn
July 18, 2024
5 min read