The Pie: Food Together is Love

June 7, 2024

Friends -

Welcome back to The Pie. Did you know what this month's most popular ingredients and recipe trends are? Peppers on more, tapioca syrups, seltzer waters (a rising alt star), upcycled breads. Below we have some great recipes after a November message of hope in connection. Scroll fast to deliciousness, scroll slower for a heart ping...

Ok, so, in a world rife with unrest, economic challenges, and piling instances of disembodiment, the need for care and community has never been more apparent. As global issues continue to shake the foundations of societies, it's time to turn our attention to a fundamental aspect of human existence that has the power to heal and unite us: food.

The world has witnessed a multitude of crises, from political upheaval to economic headwinds, leaving many feeling disconnected and isolated. The World Health Organization has even declared loneliness an epidemic, highlighting the profound impact it can have on both mental and physical well-being. In times like these, the importance of community becomes increasingly evident, and it often starts with something as simple and essential as the food we share.

Food has the power to bring people together in ways that transcend cultural, political, and economic differences. It is a universal language that speaks to our shared need for nourishment and sustenance. In the face of uncertainty, sitting down to a meal with others fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie. It reminds us that, despite our differences, we all share a common humanity.

That is easier said than done. Most of the time, the act of gathering around a table to share a meal encourages open communication and reconnection. In a world where division is taking center stage, coming together over a shared meal provides a platform for understanding and empathy.

"Food prices may be high, but a good dessert takes you higher!"

In hard times, the role of community kitchens and food-sharing initiatives becomes even more vital. These endeavors go beyond providing sustenance; they embody the spirit of care and compassion. Here's a great list of organizations and places to donate some time to close out the year.

We hope you are hungry for connection. Let us not underestimate the power of food to heal, connect, and nurture our collective well-being. Food is care – care for ourselves, care for each other, and care for the communities we inhabit. In the face of loneliness, economic challenges, and global extraction, let us find solace, strength, and unity around the table, reaffirming that, indeed, food is the sustenance of both body and soul.

Our food systems may not be perfect, but food, together... is love.

Riana & the Journey Team 🌱

The Quick Crust

Five quirky and quick recipes for those who haven't planned group gatherings and potlucks well:

  1. Farmer's Market Pie: Understanding where our food comes from takes on new significance in these turbulent times. As global supply chains adjust and access to resources becomes a growing concern, there is a renewed interest in local and sustainable food practices. Knowing the source of our food not only ensures its quality but also strengthens ties within the community. Farmers' markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA), and local food initiatives empower individuals to actively participate in the food system and establish connections with those who grow and produce their nourishment.
  2. Quick and Easy Chicken When Turkey is Too Much: Dive into a Moroccan staple. Quick, easy, and delicious. It won't take 6 hours and will save a good 80 percent on the larger poultry-focused gatherings. Plant-based chicken strips and King Trumpet mushroom strips also go well in this flow.  
  3. Cabbage Rescue: We don't all have the most exciting times with cabbage. Here is a cheesy air fryer solution that is under 30 min.
  4. Spicy and Peppery: Find a good hot chocolate brand, a splash of cashew milk, plop in 1-2 fresh Vietnamese peppers, and powdered cayenne. You will be a party favorite with upscale bartender appeal.
  5. Functional and Alcohol-Free: With elements of ginger and citrus or throw some fire on fresh rosemary while introducing natural ingredients to seltzer takes on a more useful purpose than simple refreshment - a mocktail.
  6. Oh, for the coconut lovers that need some collard greens: Coconutty Beans and Greens Stew

An AI generated spin on my grandmother's sweet potato pie; adding ube and lots of ginger. This is being tested today. We will report back.

Have a great rest of November!

Active Ingredients in Foods for Aging and Beauty

Active Ingredients in Foods for Aging and Beauty

Journey Foods prioritizes ingredient tracking and tagging innovation. We track and tagging ingredients from sourcing to production for easier formulation. This careful process ensures Journey Foods' products deliver health and beauty benefits, driving functional food innovation and consumer satisfaction.
July 18, 2024
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The Renewed Tradition and Inclusion of Jerk in Packaged Food

The Renewed Tradition and Inclusion of Jerk in Packaged Food

Jerk cooking, rooted in Jamaican culture, features a distinctive blend of spices like allspice and Scotch bonnet peppers, traditionally used to preserve and flavor meats. Its popularity has led to a variety of packaged jerk products, making these bold flavors accessible globally. Journey Foods harnesses advanced technology to offer nutritious and sustainable jerk-flavored products, bridging cultural heritage with modern convenience.
Riana Lynn
July 18, 2024
5 min read